Friday, November 30, 2007

Create Templates for Visual Studio 2005

Create customized templates for Visual Studio 2003 and VS 2005 are very different. David Hayden has one blog on this issue with VS 2005.

It is very easy to create either a template project or template item in VS 2005. VS 2005 provides a wizard to do that from File|Export Templates... By the way, if you cannot find the Export menu item, you have to add it from Customize toolbar and drag the Export item under the File menu item.

However, I don't like to use the wizard to create or modify my template if I find some minor things to change or to create another one based on an existing one. I would like to work on copy-and-past pattern. The first thing I have to find out where my templates are and how they are organized.

For example, I created a template class item for NUnit test class. I want to create a similar one for MbUnit. I found out that after finished the wizard, my NUnit template is created under the following three locations (%userprofile% is "c:\Documents and Settings\[username]"):

%userprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\ItemTemplatesCache\\
%userprofile%\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\My Exported Templates\
%userprofile%\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Templates\ItemTemplates\

Actually, the template is saved at the third location. The first one is a cached template. If I want to change or create a new one, I have to go the last location to update or create one. After that, I copy and paste the new template to the second location.

It is much easier to update or create new template in this way.

By the way, I find one location in Google Code to host project files for downloading. I created my project site. I am going to put my source codes there. Here is list of my templates for NUnit and MbUnit test classes.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Solution for Assembly Version Issue

Continuing with the issue I described in Rhino.Mocks and AutoMockingContainer, I found another solution to resolve the problem instead of recompiling AutoMockingContainer.

It is not always the case that you can get dependent library source codes. The alternative solution to redirect the .Net CLR to load a new version of the specified assembly. I'll take the my test project with Rhino.Mocks and AutoMockingContainer as an example. The Rhino.Mocks version I used in my project is version, while AutoMockingContainer was built with Rhino.Mocks version as its dependency. My test project will be compiled as TestClasses.dll. By default, all the binaries will be copied to Output directory with the latest Rhino.Mocks (

When my test class tries to call any AutoMockingContainer class which depends on Rhino.Mocks (, the .Net CLR cannot find the specified strong named assembly dll, and then exception was thrown.

I remembered that when .Net was released, it claimed to resolve COM-hell issue with versions and it allows two or more different versions of assembly running within a process. One way to resolve the version issue is to promote the version by using assembly's configuration file. For more information about .Net configuration, see Configuration File Schema for the .NET Framework.

That link provides a way to redirect old version to new version by using configuration's bindingRedirect element. Here is what I did in my test project:

  1. Add a configuration file to the project where AutoMockingContainer is referenced. The file name should be as same as the project name with congif extension. For example, I used "TestClasses.dll.config".

  2. Right click on this file and set Copy to Output Directory to Copy Always.

  3. Add the following line to the configuration file (make changes depending on your case):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="Rhino.Mocks"
culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion=""

  1. Finally compile the project. The project should run (with NUnit test program) without exception.

I used the tool of Lutz' .Net Reflector to find assembly's version. It's a great tool for developers.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Update Assembly Version

Continuing from the previous blog, I found two places talking the related issue: how to manage assembly version:

The utility program's author, Matt, also posted two interesting tools: one for system tray icon with tooltips, and another PrefTimer timer class based on API.


Rhino.Mocks and AutoMockingContainer

I am working on an ASP.Net project based on WCSF (Web Client Software Factory). For test, I downloaded the latest Rhino.Mocks, NUnit and MbUnit libraries. It works fine at the beginning because all the libraries are new.

For the tests, I need to mock some services and views. I remembered that I used AutoMockingContainer class and I had a generic class for mocking purpose. Then I copied the AutoMockingContainer to the project. After that, my mocking objects stop working and an exception was raised. Here is the error message:

[System.IO.FileLoadException] {"Could not load file
or assembly 'Rhino.Mocks, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=0b3305902db7183f' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's
manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT:
0x80131040)":"Rhino.Mocks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0b3305902db7183f"}

It was very confusing. I thought it might be my Visual Studio or Windows wrong. However, I restarted my Windows and VS again. Still I got the error message. Finally I found that it is the call to AutoMockingContainer class where exception is raised. When I read the error message. I realize that the version of Rhino.Mocks is difference from the same library which is used in the project (ver 3.3.0906).

The problem is that when AutoMockingContainer class is called, CLR is looking for Rhino.Mocks with ver This not-matching caused the exception. It is very interesting. Why does CLR not automatically search for the class or method in a new ver?

Any way, fortunately, I found the source codes of AutoMockingContainer and rebuilt the binary with the same version of Rhino.Mocks. After that, everything works fine. I think that if a library used in a project which depends on old version of assembly, the old version ones have to be installed correctly. It is not as simple as copy library dll files. You have to run deployment or installation to install all the libraries, including dependencies. If both old and new one are used in the same project, the old ones have to be upgraded to new ones.

I think this is an issue of assembly version, and Microsoft has solve the problem. As developers, we have to follow the version management policy to manage version issue. I'll further investigate the issue and try this project with two different versions of Rhino.Mocks library files in one bin directory.


Friday, November 23, 2007

Connect to Oracle Dadabase by OracleConnection

I installed Oracle 10g XE in my box, and then Oracle Developer Tools for .Net (ODTwithODAC1020221). After the installation, I started to work on .Net C# project against Oracle DB.

The first thing I have to do is to build a connection. At the start, I got exception when I tried to open an OracleConnection to userID=HR, Data Source=XE:

ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

Without connection, I cannot continue to do anything about the Oracle DB. After one day struggle, I finally found the reason from Oracle Developer Tools Forum: the home directory for Tools Kit is different from the Oracle db home directory! I have to follow the instruction to copy Oracle's TNSNAMES.ORA to the Tools' home directory. After that, the problem is solved!


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Internet Security Issue

Internet is so convenient and useful. It opens a wide door to the world. For most people, it is an important part of their lifes. However, Internet security is a problem for most people who use Internet, especially who use it doing emails, banking and evening personal stuff in their local computer. Most people don't know about it and don't know how to protect their private information.

As a programmer, I realized it and I found it so easy to get some personal private information by writing a simple program, for example, login id and password. For window users, there are some window API functions which can be used to monitor process and keyboard. They are part of Windows' core and available for all windows platforms. A programmer can easily write a program by including those APIs to log keyboard and mouse activities without user's notice (in background).

For example, I wrote a program just for personal test purpose and as a demo to show to my friends. It is a console application. When you start it in a console, it starts to monitor keyboard and mouse activities and print out keys and mouse click on the console. I tried it to login many secured programs such log in and web sites. I can see their login ids and password!

The following is a snap-shot of a case: login to a bank's web site:

You can see that login id is "watchme", then tab to the password text box with "password".

You can image that this feature can be enhanced to work with some process monitors to monitor specified process and steal your personal information (I also verified that there are Windows APIs available to check current process and their titles such browser changes). Some virus or unknown programs can be easily installed in one's machine with those kind of spies.

How can you protect yourself? As a demo shown above, I always advice people don't type in your personal information in a regular habit: login id, tab or mouse click, and then password! You can make fool of these monitor programs. Don't type in your login and password continuously and correctly! You may purposely type in wrong ones or partial ones. Jump around between login and password, even browser tabs. Type something on the page. Make it hard for the spy programs to get your personal information! As well, change your login password regularly.

Some web sites provide more security options for users. For example, in above demo, there is an optional description for you to type in anything. After login the site, this site may ask you additional questions you have previously set if you login from a new location (which may be inconvenient for many users). All these efforts are made to protect you.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Another Update on My Blog Template: Show/Hide Posts

Vin posted another good tip on Show/Hide Posts.

The Show/Hide Posts Tip is actually much better than my previous template update. It uses a javascript and updates on a widget("id=Blog1"). I like this tip very much.

When I tried to update my template with this new feature yesterday, I could not do it. I thought it is Blogger server problem. I tried today. The respond was very quick. However, I got several error messages about #comments or #cdata not being allowed in <skin> or widget tags (I commented out existing codes and added some comments for the changes). Finally, I have no choice to remove all the comments. The update is successful.

I am very happy with the update. I think it is very easy for people to see all the posts in a outline. In addition to the tip, I added some changes to the template. For example, I added title attribute for Post Title. This provides a help information (mouse hover tooltip) because the Post Title is a link and when it is clicked, only this post is displayed with comments visible. If "[+/-]Show/Hide..." is expanded, comments are not visible. Because of this behavior (I don't want to spend time to figure it out why), another change I did is to add a link(See/leave comments for this post in another window/tab) after "[+/-]Show/Hide...".

Happy Blogging!


Friday, November 16, 2007

Update My Post Template Formatting

Updated my template based on Vin's guide on Posting Summaries again.

I made a comments about Vin's guide on Enable Post Comments. This page is the testing based on the notes. What I did is to place the following codes in the post template at my Settings|Formatting:

Here is the beginning of my post. <span class="fullpost">And here is the rest of it.</span>

Then save it.

How this works...

When you post a new blog, the "Here is the beginning ..." part is the first paragraph in the blog, which will be displayed in the new post followed by Read more... link. If you click on the link, a new window or tab is displayed with the whole blog content. That looks pretty good!


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Updated My Blog with Blogger's New Template

In the past two days, I tried to updated my blog with the new template from Blogger. The new one is much better and simpler than the previous one. The key improvement is widget elements which can be changed from Blogger's Template Tab (Page elements).

Of course, the change removed all my previous changes as well. I had to manually to add my previous changes in, such as RRS section on sidebar and scrollable text boxes. I also find out Dummies Guid to Google Blogger is much helpful!

Enjoy Blog!


Monday, November 12, 2007

Single Instance of Application

Many cases require only one instance of a specified application running. This can be done by using Microsoft .Net Mutex class. However, by using Mutex, you can tell if the application is already running or not. If it is running, either active, inactive, or minimized, how can we bring the application to the front? I found that you have to use API functions to do that.

As a result, I have created a class ApplicaitonUtil. This class has two methods exposed: IsAlreadyRunning(name) and SwitchToCurrentInstance(). They are very straightforwd. Here is an example to use it:

static void Main()
AssemblyInfo1 assemblyInfo = new AssemblyInfo1(
FileSystemInfo fileinfo = new FileInfo(

string name = string.Format("{0} {1}",

if (ApplicationUtil.IsAlreadyRunning(name))

Form1 form = new Form1(); // Assume Form1 in your project
form.Text = name; // Set caption for the form

Here I used assembly exe name and assembly information description (see my previous blog on AssemblyInfo and Related Utility Classes) as a name for the Mutex object. The name can be anything (no path is included! otherwise you would get an exception). The reason I used assembly's description information is that the same exe file might be deployed to local version and QA version. You may need each one as single instance but you can run two at same time.

By the way, I updated my AssemblyInfo class so that it has additional constructor with specified assembly object. If you place this class in another class or exe as library, you need to pass assembly object as shown in above codes.

Here is the my ApplicationUtil class:
public class ApplicationUtil
# region Windows APIs
private static extern int IsIconic(IntPtr hWnd);

private static extern int ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd,
int nCmdShow);

private static extern int SetForegroundWindow(
IntPtr hWnd);
# endregion

# region Constructor
private ApplicationUtil()
# endregion

# region Data members
// Define const used for restoring the window
// already opened
private const int SW_RESTORE = 9;
private static Mutex _mutex;
# endregion

# region Public methods
public static bool IsAlreadyRunning(string name)
bool mutexCreated;

_mutex = new Mutex(true, name, out mutexCreated);
if (mutexCreated)

return !mutexCreated;

public static void SwitchToCurrentInstance()
IntPtr handle = GetCurrentInstanceWindowHandle();
if (handle != IntPtr.Zero)
// Restore window first if minimized.
// Do not restore if already in
// normal or maximized window state,
// since we don't want to
// change the current state of the window.
if (IsIconic(handle) != 0)
ShowWindow(handle, SW_RESTORE);



public static void SetWindowToForeground(
IntPtr hWnd)
# endregion

# region Private methods
private static IntPtr
IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero;
Process currentProcess =
Process[] processes =

foreach (Process process in processes)
// Get the first instance that is not this
// instance, has the same process name and
// was started from the same file name
// and location. Also check that the process
// has a valid window handle in this session
// to filter out other user's processes.
if (process.Id != currentProcess.Id &&
process.MainModule.FileName ==
currentProcess.MainModule.FileName &&
process.MainWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
handle = process.MainWindowHandle;

return handle;

# endregion

This class has another method SetForegroundWindow(), which is used to set a form as foreground. For example, you have a lengthy splash window running, and this form might be set to background if user is working on something else. In this case, when the splash window finishes its job, you can call this method to set the main form to the front so that user is notified the application being ready.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

AssemblyInfo and Related Utility Classes

I worked on one project where I need to get an assembly's information defined in the project's AssemblyInfo.cs. There are many ways to get these information. One way is by calling Assemlby class' method GetCustomAttributes() like this:

Assembly _assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
objects[] _assemblyAttributes = _assembly.GetCustomAttributes(true);

I tried to print out the array of retrieved attributes. There are 15 items. I thought the order of these attributes are pre-defined. Then I wrote a class to get some of assembly information out by the index.

However, I run into a problem. When I changed some attributes, for example AssemblyCulture(), my class does not work any more. I finally found out that the order of attributes in the object array are changed! Before I realized this, I tried other ways to get AssebmlyIno. Here is another class by using FileVerionInfo class:
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
class AssemblyInfo1
private Assembly _assembly;
private FileVersionInfo _fileInfo;

public AssemblyInfo1()
_assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
_fileInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(_assembly.Location);


public string Title
return _fileInfo.Comments;

public string Description
return _fileInfo.Comments;

public string Company
return _fileInfo.CompanyName;

public string Product
return _fileInfo.ProductName;

public string CopyRight
return _fileInfo.LegalCopyright;

public string Trademark
return _fileInfo.LegalTrademarks;

public string FileVersion
return _fileInfo.FileVersion;

public string InformationVersion
return _fileInfo.ProductVersion;

public Version Version
return _assembly.GetName().Version;

public CultureInfo Culture
return _assembly.GetName().CultureInfo;

The only problem is that I could not find a way to get AssemblyConfiguration() information. After I realized the order change in the object array retrieved from GetCustomAttributes(), I changed the class with string comparing to get assembly's information. My second class can get AssemblyConfiguration() information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Diagnostics;
// ...
public class AssemblyInfo2
private const string TITLE = "System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute";
private const string DESCRIPTION = "System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute";
private const string CONFIGURATION = "System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute";
private const string COMPANY = "System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute";
private const string PRODUCT = "System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute";
private const string COPYRIGHT = "System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute";
private const string TRADEMARK = "System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademarkAttribute";
private const string FILE_VERSION = "System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute";
private const string INFORMATION_VERSION = "System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute";

private Assembly _assembly;
private object[] _assemblyAttributes;

public AssemblyInfo2()
_assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
_assemblyAttributes = _assembly.GetCustomAttributes(true);

private T GetAttribute<T>(string typeString)
where T : class
List<object> objects = new List<object>(_assemblyAttributes);
object assemblyObj = objects.Find(
delegate(object item)
bool found = false;
if (item != null)
found = item.ToString().Equals(typeString);
return found;

return assemblyObj as T;

public AssemblyTitleAttribute Title
return GetAttribute<AssemblyTitleAttribute>(TITLE);

public AssemblyDescriptionAttribute Description
return GetAttribute<AssemblyDescriptionAttribute>(DESCRIPTION);

public AssemblyConfigurationAttribute Configuration
return GetAttribute<AssemblyConfigurationAttribute>(CONFIGURATION);

public AssemblyCompanyAttribute Company
return GetAttribute<AssemblyCompanyAttribute>(COMPANY);

public AssemblyProductAttribute Product
return GetAttribute<AssemblyProductAttribute>(PRODUCT);

public AssemblyCopyrightAttribute CopyRight
return GetAttribute<AssemblyCopyrightAttribute>(COPYRIGHT);

public AssemblyTrademarkAttribute Trademark
return GetAttribute<AssemblyTrademarkAttribute>(TRADEMARK);

public AssemblyFileVersionAttribute FileVersion
return GetAttribute<AssemblyFileVersionAttribute>(FILE_VERSION);

public AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute InformationVersion
return GetAttribute<AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>(INFORMATION_VERSION);

public Version Version
return _assembly.GetName().Version;

public CultureInfo Culture
return _assembly.GetName().CultureInfo;

By the way, the Culture property is based on AssemblyCulture("") setting in AssebmlyInfo.cs. You just cannot set this information other than empty string "". I tried to change it to "en" or "en-US". The project just cannot be compiled. Actually, this is the property I tried to change and I tried to change project's property from "assembly information..." in Application tab, and then the order of attributes retrieved from GetCustomeAttributes() is changed. It's very interesting issue. I am not sure how the assembly attribute information are populated in the assembly.


Friday, November 09, 2007

Blogger Template Issue

Today I tried to understand Blogger's template and then to reorganize my template for my blog. As I understand that the template is a html-like file. I can update this file so that I can add other elements such as RRS link I did previous.

Based on xml and html knowledge I have, I tried to change me template. Here is an example tags for blog title before my change:

<BlogItemUrl><a href="<$BlogItemUrl$>"
  title="external link"></BlogItemUrl>

These tags are not looks in right logic. Then I tried to change them as:

<BlogItemUrl><a href="<$BlogItemUrl$>"
  title="external link">

I thought the updated one is better. However, after I saved the new template, I lost my blog title! I had to change these codes back. Fortunately, I saved my template before I did the change. As Blogger suggested, Always back up your template before you make any changes!

By the way, this blog demonstrates an example of using a box for codes as seeing above. I introduced a css class "outlinebox" in my Blogger template:

/* Use this style as class ID for a box for some blocks such as div, p */
.outlinebox {
  width: 450px;
  border-color: #666666;
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 1px;        /* sets border width on all sides */
  padding: 5px

Then in my post, I used this class in a div like this:
<div class="outlinebox"><pre><code>
  some codes ...

I also created another two css classes in my Blogger template: "outlinebox4wrappercodes" and "wrappercodes". These two css classes can be used in the same way to display additional horizontal scroll bar. Here is another example:
<div class="outlinebox4wrappercodes"><div class="wrappercodes"><pre><code>/* Use this style as class ID for a box for some blocks such as div, p */
.outlinebox {
  width: 450px;
  border-color: #666666;
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 1px;        /* sets border width on all sides */
  padding: 5px


Blogger Template Issue

Today I tried to understand Blogger's template and then to reorganize my template for my blog. As I understand that the template is a html-like file. I can update this file so that I can add other elements such as RRS link I did previous.

Based on xml and html knowledge I have, I tried to change me template. Here is an example tags for blog title before my change:

<BlogItemUrl><a href="<$BlogItemUrl$>"
  title="external link"></BlogItemUrl>



These tags are not looks in right logic. Then I tried to change them as:

<BlogItemUrl><a href="<$BlogItemUrl$>"
  title="external link">



I thought the updated one is better. However, after I saved the new template, I lost my blog title! I had to change these codes back. Fortunately, I saved my template before I did the change. As Blogger suggested, Always back up your template before you make any changes!


Test callback delegate with Rhino.Mocks

Here is the case to test callback delegate by using Rhino.Mocks.

The following service class has a method with a delegate callback as parameter to get a list of products:

// somethere delegate is defined, Product is an another class
public delegate void RetrieveProductListCallback(
bool success, List<product> products);

// service class
public class ProductService
// ...
List<product> RetrieveProducts(
RetrieveProductCallbackHander callback)
{ //...

// Define a method which is used as delegate handler
private void ProductListHandler(bool success,
List<Product> products)
{ // ...

RetrieveProductListCallback callback = ProductListHandler;


What I want to test this service's callback event. There were no direct information about this issue. I spent several hours googling information on web and tested many different ways. Finally I found a way to test the callback. Here is the summary of the tricks: using Last.Callback and Predicate to do the test. Here are some codes for the test:

public void ShouldGetAllProudctsFromService()
List<Product> products = new List<Product>();
// add some products to the list
bool success = true;
// define a none-null callback
RetrieveProductListCallback callback = delegate {};

using (Mocks.Record())
// expect to call method with callback
// Here is the trick to set up callback
// to be called
RetrieveProductListCallback callbackhander)
if (callbackhander != null)
callbackhander(success, products);
return true;

// ...

using (Mocks.Playback())
// ... assert