Sunday, July 24, 2011

Code Formatter

Last week I was working on some T-SQL query codes. I remembered that I used PL/SQL developer tool to reformat my SQL codes by using Beautifier. I could not find similar tool in SQL Server Management Studio, at least for SSMS 2005/2008. I googled web to see if there is any tools available.

To my surprise, I found couple very nice web on-line tools called as code formatter. For example, Instant sQL Formatter is the tool I want. In addition to parse codes into a nice format, it also does basic syntax checking. The only thing is missing is the spaces for indention.

In addition to TSQL, I found several other web tools for code formatter:


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Finished Watching WWDC 2011 Videos in -Halfway

In the past weeks, I have been in a fast-paced way to watch WWDC 2011 videos. Right now I have finished 100(App Frameworks), and 300(Developer Tools) serials. Still three sections left: 200(Core OS, 13), 400(Graphics, Media and Games, 24), and 500(Internet and Web, 19).

I have also made some nodes in my Chinese blogs about WWDC 2011.

WWDC exposed more detail changes in iOS and Mac OS with new framework and APIs. For example, full screen feature is a very nice thought designed bases on iOS. Windows have full screen since its start, Windows 3.0. However, Mac OS full screen has more support from its core internal. App's will receive many events such as willXXX and didXXX for full screen status. With those events, app developer can prepare UI for better user experience and usage. In terms of OS, the full screen has consistency UI for full screen such as enter, exist and keyboard shortcuts. Full screen apps flow fluently in Mac OS.

Another group of great features are auto-save and versions. Those features are backed by app with Cocoa new APIs. Basically, this is a repository for software source codes, but it has been expanded to Mac OS app. It will be up to app developer to implement the feature. Save and versions are integrate part of Mac OS. As one of Apple software engineering in one session about this topic said, what is if further of Mac OS Cocoa? It may be the long time Quit will be gone. Users will not need to take care apps in Mac OS. Since everything will be auto-saved, why should apps with those features stay in OS when they are not in use? This will greatly enhance the experience of using Mac with great resources releases by inactive apps.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Using DIV to layout side-by-side blocks

I often need to layout my contents in two blocks side-by-side, with left side block as a warning message as example. This can be done easily by using CSS and HTML. Here are the tips.

Example layout

First, let's look at the example layout. To visualize the side-by-side blocks, I added a border container, which can be removed.

First DIV block on the Left

When using percentages, you usually have to play around a bit to get things to look the same in IE, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.

Right block

This is a tutorial on how to use CSS to create a simple two column layout.

The styles for the blocks are defined in CSS classes in the <head> section of HTML.

This the end of 2 column side by side layout.

Define CSS classes

Define the following style classes in HTML head section:

<style type="text/css">
.boxLeft {
border:1px solid;
padding: 1%;
margin:1% 0 1% 1%;}

.boxRight {
margin: 1% 1% 1% 1%;

.clear {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
clear: both; }

Use CSS classes to layout 2-blocks side-by-side

With above CSS classe definitions, they can be used in the body section to layout 2 blocks of text side-by-side:

<body >
<!-- containner -->
<div style="border:2px solid;">
<!-- Left block -->
<div class="boxLeft" style="background:green">
<h2>First DIV block on the Left</h2>
<p>When using percentages, you usually have to play around a bit to get things to look the same in IE, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.</P>
<!-- end of left block-->
<!-- right block -->
<div class="boxRight" style="background:#dff">
<h2 >Right block</h2>
<p>This is a tutorial on how to use CSS to create a simple two column layout.</P>
<p>The styles for the blocks are defined in CSS classes in head section of HTML.</p>
</div><!-- end of box block -->
<div class="clear"></div>
</div><!-- container -->
<p>This the end of 2 column side by side layout.</p>



Friday, July 01, 2011

No Overflow for a Simple Math Calculation

I watched WebBeat podcast one day in the last month. One video show got my attention: Explaining visual math in a simple way. I wrote a blog on my Chinese blog. It is very interesting to resolve a math multiply by visualization graphs. However, this method only applies to multiply of 2 digit numbers, and it becomes tedious when there carrier forward in the last and middle numbers.

This reminds me a long time puzzle problem: how to resolve overflow issue when the result of multiply of two integers is too big. I recall the traditional method of multiply algorithm and relate it to this visualization. Soon I realize that I could resolve the overflow issue by creating a small app. I gave it a try with Javascript and I got it worked out! I am very happy with the result. No more overflow no matter how big numbers they are!

Here is my Javascript function:

function v1timesv2(v1, v2) {
  var x = ''; // result
  var i = 0;
  var j = 0;
  var r;
  var r1;
  var r2;
  var k;
  var tempVal;
  var preTempVal = '';
  debug ('v1: ' + v1);
  debug ('v2: ' + v2);
  for (i= v2.length-1; i >= 0; i--) // v2
    r2 = 0;
    tempVal = '';
    k = preTempVal.length;
    for (j=v1.length-1;j >=0; j--)  // v1
      if ((k--) > 0)
        r2 += Number(preTempVal[k]);
      r = v1[j] * v2[i] + r2;
      r1 = r % 10;
      r2 = 0;
      if ( r > 9 )
        r2 = (r - r1) / 10;
      tempVal = r1 + tempVal;
    if ( r > 9 )
       tempVal = r2 + tempVal;
    debug('intermediate calculated result: ' + tempVal);
    // Get the last char as result
    x = tempVal[tempVal.length - 1] + x;
    debug('intermediate result: ' + x);
    // Get the remaining as previous val
    if ( tempVal.length > 1 )
      preTempVal = tempVal.substr(0, tempVal.length - 1);
      preTempVal= '';
    debug('== carry forward result: ' + preTempVal + ' ==' );
  x = preTempVal + x;
  debug('>>final result:    ' + x);
  debug('>>verified result: ' + Number(v1) * Number(v2) + ' (' + v1 + ' x ' + v2 + ')');
  return x ;

This may not be the best codes. Please let me know if you can simplify my codes. Download my numberCalc.html and drop it to a browser. I challenge if you can break my codes with an overflow!
