Name | Finished Date | Notes |
1. Class Logistics, Overview of iOS, Objective-C | 2014-04-08 | MVC is explained in 1st lesson! |
2. Xcode 5 | 2014-04-09 | Created card matching game (Matchismo) project in Xcode 5 |
3. Objective-C | 2014-04-09 | Updated the project with model class CardGame class. Demonstrated communication between Controller and Model & View in Xcode. |
4. Foundation and Attributed Strings | 2014-04-09 | More on Objetive-C, id, introspection(query id class type and method implementation; Foundation: NSObject, NSArry, NSNumber, NSData, NSDIrectionary, NSUserDefaults, NSRange, UIFont UIColor, NSAttributedString(new in iOS 7). |
5. View Controller Lifecycle | 2014-04-10 | Continue on attributed string with UITextView (new attributed string for the view). View controller lifecycle and Notification (radio station communication mechanism) with new Attributor demo project. |
6. Polymorphism with Controllers, UINavigation, UITableBar | 2014-04-10 | Polymorphism: Subclass and abstract class; MVCs controlled by navigation or tab controllers. |
7. View and Guestures | 2014-04-11 | Views are most often constructed in Xcode graphically. Override drawRect:for customized UIView class, to draw your own staff. Use UIBezierPath to draw. Drawing text: UILabel, NSAttributedString.
UIGuestureRecgonizer for accept inputs: pan, pinch, rotation, swipe, and tap.
Demo: SuperCard: draw card in customized view class, and handle swipe gesture to turn card, pinch gesture to scale card image. |
8. Protocols, Blocks and Animation | 2014-04-12 | First two are very important coding practices in Objective-C. Block of codes can be attached to methods as a way for customized implementation. iOS 7 adds two ways to do animation, view animation methods and animator with behaviors. Demo DropIt project shows the power of animations. |
9. Animation and Autolayout | 2014-04-13 | Continued the previous demo on animation: less tippy, add trap to dropping view with line.
Autolayout is powerful in iOS 7. Paul explained three ways to do it in Xcode: 1. use guidelines, 2. tools in Xcode bottom, and 3. control-click.
Demo: update previous Attibutor project with auto layout, simple and nicely done! |

10. Multithreading, Scroll View | 2014-04-13 | iOS 7 utilizes blocks to make multithreading much easy to manage and control. Demo project imaginarium shows downloading image with multithreading technique and scroll view to host image with zooming feature. |
11. Table View and iPad | 2014-04-14 | Table view has been in iOS since iPhone first version. It is a very popular way to show data. Paul showed activity indicator for table view. This may be something new in iOS 7. The second part is about iPad. Demo: universal app Shutterbug displaying photos from Flikr. |
12. Documents and Core Data | 2014-04-14 | Document is used for storage, here Core data is using it as storage. Core data has been in iOS for long time, but it has been updated extensively. Xcode provides working nice UI and classes for data creation, update, deletion and query. Paul explains basics in a clear layout logic. |
13. Core Data and Table View | 2014-04-15 | This lecture contains a lot of information about core data, radio notification pub and sub, application delegate, and background execution. All are explained quickly in Photomanian project. |
14. UIApplication, Network Activity | 2014-04-16 | Briefly on UIApplication: sharedApplication and delegate. One property networkActivityVisible, maybe confusing when you have a lots of activities and turning it on or off. Demo Photomanian, iPad, show photos, and popover. Maps: core classes for Maps. Tip on working on iPad or iPhone, copy and paste storyboard! |
15. MapKit and Embed Segue | 2014-04-16 | Quickly through MapKit classes. Continued to Photomanian demo, iPhone: replaced PhotoByPhotographer's tableview with mapvuew; iPad:
two ways to show maps and photos, first one similar to iPhone's flow out, and second embed view by embed segue, very cool! |
16. Modal Segue and Text Field | 2014-04-17 | Last segue in this lecture. The only difference is unwise segue, set action to storybord green icon in view. Text field is for text input in one line. Demo: Photomanian, add photos from camera (no camera information in this class) by modal segue, alert view, cancel or add a photo to photographer.
Also showed how to start CLocation manager and to get location of latitude and longitude. |
17. Camera, Core Motion, Application Lifecycle | 2014-04-18 | Camera: continued to demo Photomaian to add "Take photo" to new photo view.
In second half, Paul explained Motion APIs first, then he demoed a project Bouncer with no storyboard, all in codes, redBlock and blackBlock to bounce based on animation and motion manager. |
18. Localization, Adding UI to Settings | 2014-04-18 | Paul showed tick to localize strings: search for @" in .m, #define for localization, and then gesturing in finder to generate strings. Xcode provides UI for stroryboard localization. Use . for localized strings. Demo: Photomanian localization
For settings, Paul uses Bouncer as demo to as slider for alacrity setting. |
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