I have a blog at Blogger. Recently my friends ask me if I could change the background color and increase font size for my posts. After search on web, soon I found solutions.
Change Background Color
First go to Theme, then Edit HTML.
Expand line 9,
b: skin
Search for "post.background.color". You will find this as variable definition.

In my Blogger, it is located at line 32: Make a copy the variable first. Then you can make change:
- <Variable name="post.background.color" description="Post Background" type="color" default="#ffffff" value="#353d4a"/>
- <Variable name="post.background.colorDeleted" description="Post Background DELETE" type="color" default="#ffffff" value="#1c1c1c"/>
Make sure the description on line 2 is not as same as description on line 1. I think that the description is a key for variables.
This variable is used for the class of

Change Font Size
Another change I would like to do is to enlarge text size of post. This is very easy to do. Find "post-body" in HTML template

In my Programmer's blog, I could not find
. The size of text is defined in body
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