I watched WebBeat podcast one day in the last month. One video show got my attention: Explaining visual math in a simple way. I wrote a blog on my Chinese blog. It is very interesting to resolve a math multiply by visualization graphs. However, this method only applies to multiply of 2 digit numbers, and it becomes tedious when there carrier forward in the last and middle numbers.
This reminds me a long time puzzle problem: how to resolve overflow issue when the result of multiply of two integers is too big. I recall the traditional method of multiply algorithm and relate it to this visualization. Soon I realize that I could resolve the overflow issue by creating a small app. I gave it a try with Javascript and I got it worked out! I am very happy with the result. No more overflow no matter how big numbers they are!
Here is my Javascript function:
function v1timesv2(v1, v2) { var x = ''; // result var i = 0; var j = 0; var r; var r1; var r2; var k; var tempVal; var preTempVal = ''; debug ('v1: ' + v1); debug ('v2: ' + v2); for (i= v2.length-1; i >= 0; i--) // v2 { r2 = 0; tempVal = ''; k = preTempVal.length; for (j=v1.length-1;j >=0; j--) // v1 { if ((k--) > 0) { r2 += Number(preTempVal[k]); } r = v1[j] * v2[i] + r2; r1 = r % 10; r2 = 0; if ( r > 9 ) { r2 = (r - r1) / 10; } tempVal = r1 + tempVal; } if ( r > 9 ) { tempVal = r2 + tempVal; } debug('intermediate calculated result: ' + tempVal); // Get the last char as result x = tempVal[tempVal.length - 1] + x; debug('intermediate result: ' + x); // Get the remaining as previous val if ( tempVal.length > 1 ) { preTempVal = tempVal.substr(0, tempVal.length - 1); } else { preTempVal= ''; } debug('== carry forward result: ' + preTempVal + ' ==' ); } x = preTempVal + x; debug('>>final result: ' + x); debug('>>verified result: ' + Number(v1) * Number(v2) + ' (' + v1 + ' x ' + v2 + ')'); return x ; }
This may not be the best codes. Please let me know if you can simplify my codes. Download my numberCalc.html and drop it to a browser. I challenge if you can break my codes with an overflow!
- My Chinese blog:用视觉方式快速算算数
- WebbeatTV: 129
- CodePen: multiplyOf2Numbers
- Explaining visual math in a simple way.
- Test web site: test html file at my Dropobox
- Source codes: HTML file with Javascript: numberCalc.html
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